Nomadic Labs
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After running successfully through all the steps of this training session, you will be able to run a Tezos node (test network/sandboxed), use the Michelson emacs mode, and compile pieces of code in both LIGO and SmartPy.
A general presentation of the Tezos blockchain, including its history, its components, and an overview of the current economic protocol.
A more in-depth presentation of the so-called "economic protocol", the part of Tezos that can be changed through an amendment procedure. This will include:
Proof of Stake (PoS) versus Proof of Work (PoW)
Liquid PoS and delegation
Emmy+: Tezos consensus algorithm
On-chain governance: the amendment procedure
Anatomy of an operation and different types of operations
Anatomy of a block and how operations and blocks are encoded
Smart contracts overview and gas computation
Using docker to easily deploy a node from scratch
Running a backer on zeronet/babylonnet
Secure your keys with the tezos-signer
Using tezos-signer
and a ledger
Creating a secure production ready infrastructure
front-ends nodes
private mode
hsm ?
Introduction to Michelson
Explain how to read a Michelson contract
Simulate a Michelson contract with Try Michelson
A simple example on formally verifying Michelson contracts
Introduction to Pascal LIGO language (theory)
Explain how to read a LIGO contract
Provide a simple annotated LIGO contract for people to deploy
Change the LIGO contract to add a few feature
Deploy the LIGO contract using the tezos-client
What is a block explorer, how it is made and potential pitfalls
What is an indexer
How to read your data using a block explorer
Explore existing block explorers
What to look for and how to use them
How do we monitor the Tezos network?
Different types of monitors
Which RPCs to call
How to create a basic monitor with Prometheus and Grafana
Introduction to Taquito: basic module structure
Setup a simple reason project with Taquito
Interact with a previously deployed LIGO smart contract
Reason Taquito bindings
Setup the inMemory signer
Setup the tezBridge signer (with a ledger??)
Get the balance of a smart contract
Execute a transaction
Build on the Taquito presentation
Add React to the mix: setup a Reason/React project using Taquito
Going thought the structure of a React component
Add bells and whistles
CSS and final touches
Deploy the application with Docker on babylonnet or zeronet