By Library
Python | PyTezos - Python SDK
GoLang | Go Tezos - Go library, USA - Go Tezos is a GoLang driven library for your Tezos node
Javascript, Typescript | ConseilJS - library for building apps in TypeSript and JavaScript
Javascript | Sotez - JavaScript library - JavaScript library for simply and intuitively interacting with the Tezos blockchain.
Typescript | Taquito - TypeScript library suite
Kotlin, Java | KotlinTezos - Android/Kotlin toolbox
Java | TezosJ - Android Java SDK
Java | TezosJ Plain Java - Java software development kit
.NET | Netezos - .Net Standard 2.0 library
Haskell | Morley - Developer tools for Michelson
Products actively under development are TezosJ, a Java SDK for Tezos, and TAPS, an automatic payment system for Tezos bakers
Cryptonomic is an NYC-based company committed to decentralization and digital sovereignty, providing ConseilJS, a multi-chain client-side library written in TypeScript, currently focused on Tezos, and available through NPM.
Developments are done in OCaml or Rust, and then integrated with other software in any language (C, C++, Python, Java, etc.).
Building integrations to the following Tezos SDK projects as a start. JavaScript — Integration with EzTz from the TezTech team.
Taquito: ,
Taquito is a TypeScript library suite for development on the Tezos blockchain. Taquito is written in an idiomatic TypeScript style, and includes a set of ready-made React components. Perfect for any JavaScript project on the front- or back-end with minimal dependencies, Taquito has no reliance on any stack by default, except the Tezos Node. Taquito comes complete with a well-documented API using TypeDoc, continuous integration tests against the Tezos Node; versioned releases published to It is one of Tezos developers favorite library suite to use in the ecosystem as it is used by TQTezos, Ligo, TruffleSuite, and Nomadic Labs.
Simply stated, NeTezos is a .Net Standard 2.0 library for working with Tezos. It was created and maintained by Baking Bad. It is full of helpful information for those working with the .Net Standard.
The AirGapIt library is well maintained by the creators of the AirGap wallet on Tezos. It’s a library that offers a unified API to prepare, sign and broadcast for Tezos among other cryptocurrencies. It is a protocol-agnostic library that allows easy handling of the most important tasks relating cryptocurrencies and blockchains. The library consists of a shared interface for all implements protocols. This is especially useful in the context of AirGap.
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